04. November 2015 · Comments Off on Heart-Breaks Happen · Categories: Newsletters

Life is not easy on many levels. We have all experienced the difficulties that come along. However, we never expect that one of our children will go to be with the Lord before us. This past week, it was given to me to preach a message for the funeral of one of our graduates. Christian was the son of a pastor that we have worked with for many years. Sad to say, Christian suddenly had a heart attack at 40 years old. When I received the call one evening, I was shocked beyond words.

Gloria and I attended the services of their church the Sunday following the burial. I was thrilled to hear the message of a broken hearted parent. It would be easy for a those parents to become angry and question God. Why would he allow this, after 20 years of service to Him. However, what was preached was a message of inspiration, trust and faithfulness to our heavenly father. I would ask you to pray for the Aguinaldo family. The parents are carrying a heavy load and siblings are sad. Even though we children of God have the promise of eternity together, no one wants to lose the presence of their family in this life.

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