For the past 35 years, our life has been consumed with the marvelous and exciting life that God has given us in service to Him. It is what is known as MISSIONS. After working on staff for several years in Texas and planting a church in Missouri, God made it clear that He would use us in the Philippines. Of course, the call is a story in itself.
Having known some missionaries that we felt were great men of God, we knew how God had worked with them in their ministries and we wanted to be used of God in a fruitful way. We asked Him to bless us with similar fruit. We entered the country of the Philippines with a desire to plant at least 50 churches through our ministry. It has been far surpassed several times over.
What God does is amazing. What we do is the question. It has been our extreme joy to be and do whatever pleased Him. In that time, we were also used of God, for 14 years, to be involved in the origin, building and operation of the Highlands Camp in the Philippines. God used our desire for a camp for our churches, to make it happen.
Highlands Camp
2012 Family campers from churches out of our ministry
We have also developed and have been able to lead a Bible School that feeds our ministry of church planting. Currently, we have 6 campuses in Central Luzon with those pastors and pastors wives that have been trained in our ministry, as the teachers. Currently we have more than 135 students and more than 50 teachers.
Old School Buildings
New Buildings as of 2010
From this Bible School, we have been averaging planting about 5 new mission churches a year. We are talking about independent, self-supporting churches.We are excited to see how these churches are growing over the years. You see here an example of that growth.
Our Second Church
Second Church
That does not include the ministries that are in places of low incomes and must be helped on an ongoing basis. Nor does it include the multiplied numbers of ministries that we call out-reaches that have no property of their own. Meeting in living rooms and garages.
New Mission
New Mission
New Mission
Maybe you, like me, would wonder, “why me God. How can you use me?” That is a legitimate question for anyone to ask. However, it isn’t what we are on our own. It comes down to the fact that we are willing to be used as a conduit of Gods’ power. There is nothing more exciting to be involved in and more rewarding than to see the harvest after 30 years of planting.
Whatever God might ask of you to turn loose, it is certainly small in comparison to what He will do with you and for you. The continual, miraculous supply of all that is necessary, is simply amazing and thrilling to be involved in.
We have included a few pictures that should give an idea of what God has done in our ministry. Even though there are many trials, even hardships along the way, when we consider the results, we can better understand the statement of the song, “It Will Be Worth It All, When We See Christ.” There is nothing that could convince me that there is any better life. Nothing could make life more worthwhile than to be used of God. Especially in a place where no one wants to go. To a place that the people will have undying appreciation and love for you because you brought them the good news of Christ and His Blood.