29. December 2018 · Comments Off on IT IS GONE · Categories: Newsletters

Yep, 2018 is now history. It is no more. IT IS GONE.

So, now we have the new year to be excited about. A couple of events have happened to make our new year very exciting.

As we have reported, we bought a property and also a house. Those two will be developed in this coming year. At least that is the plan. The larger property of about 25 acres. That property will be developed partially into a Church Camp Site. The remaining part will be developed into a subdivision for the Churches to lease and they will be able to build building for rest or retreats.

The house property is very large and will be developed for small groups as well as the house for Gloria and I. I am especially excited about that being developed to a great usage.

WE are hoping that there will be some who would like to enable the development of these projects. WE will have much to tell about them in the future.

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