27. April 2021 · Comments Off on WE MADE IT · Categories: Newsletters

Concerning what we reported last post, the borders of the Philiuppines were actually opened the end of February. We were able to fly to Manila in March and landed in the Philippines on the 11th. We were required to rent a government approved hotel room for a minimum of 7 days quarentine. Then, we had a government nurse come to our rented room after 6 days, and did a covid test. When we tested negative, we were allowed to leave the hotel and finish 14days quarantine in our home.

That was not the end of the story. Four days after we landed, the government, once again closed the borders and they remain closed till now. But we made it. God allowed us to return. We are here, back to work and He continues to bless.

Work has continued on the dorms at the camp and two of them are ready for use. Although they are not totally complete but useable for a camp this very week, Wednesday thru Friday. Gloria and I will be part of the speakers. Myself, 3 preaching and 3 teaching sessions with the pastors. Gloria will be teaching the pastors wives.

A joy to report an event this past Sunday. I am glad to report, we were able to participate in the dedication of new facilities of one of our older churches. It was a little embarrassing when they included us in the memorial pictures in the dedication of that building. But at the same time, it is nice to see that they have appreciation and know how to express that.

Ok, we are excited to be back in the work and looking forward to future reports. We will making a report of the results of the camp this week. Perhaps we can include some short videos with it.

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